I review only completed films. I do not review trailers (unless the film is itself a trailer), effects tests, audio dramas or random fan fiction. I generally stick to Star Wars fan films only. I do not consider commercially available films like Spaceballs and Thumb Wars fan films.
I tend to prefer comedies to "serious" fan films. I favor originality and seeing something new, but at the same time, it's not what you do, it's if you do it well that matters.
(On a more specific note, I like to talk about use of colors a lot, and I'm a stickler for typography (use of fonts). Take that as you will.)
Film reviews will be organized under the revolutionary and groundbreaking system known as "alphabetically". And because this is a Star Wars site, we will rate films with... letter grades. (See, the joke is that you were supposed to think I'd say "stars".) But no, I use letter grades, from A+ to F.
is for near-perfect fan films... and I mean the best of the best here.
The A range is for sheer brilliance in fan
filmmaking, the really special movies.
The B range is for solidly made stuff.
The C range is for just your average fan
film. Just like at college, kids.
The D range is for shoddy stuff that doesn't
seem to have much effort put into it.
If I have to give a flick an F, I'm gonna
be pissed, people.
Films are judged not against each other, but against their potential. A grade of B+ for a quick spoof made by high school kids is different than a grade of B+ for a drama made by professionals on expensive equipment. I try to keep things fair.
I try not to include spoilers (hence all the timecodesyou'll see).
Assume that something is primarily a SW fan film unless noted. When noted, it is because I feel a substantial portion of the film is spent on the style or universe of the source materialnot just a throwaway reference. It must be a specific source material titlenot just, for example, "commercials" or "game shows".
Want to see just the best of the best? Click here for the "Adam Recommends" stuff the cream of the crop, in my opinion.
and now, the REVIEWS (alphabetically)
Jedi (Star Wars / American Pie)
Anything Star Wars
The Assassin
BloodRayne: A Fan Film (BloodRayne)
The Bounty Hunters Talk Back
Bounty Trail
Brains and Steel (Star Wars / The Princess
Broken Allegiance
Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good (Ghostbusters)
Challenge of the Sith
Christmas Tauntauns
Conspiracy (Star Wars / Conspiracy)
Crapisode I
Crazy Watto
Dark Redemption
Dark Skies
Dantana Morse for Galactic Senator
Dark Side Switch Parody
Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline
Dead End (Batman)
The Death of Batman (Batman)
A Deception of the Force
Desert Duel
Disaster at Naboo
The Emperor's New Clones
Empire Strikes Backyard
Episode II Trailer "Australian"
Episode II Fan Trailer
Episode III Fan Trailer "Oobi"
Essence of the Force
The Fan Film Project (Star Wars / The Blair
Witch Project)
Fan Wars
The Fandom Menace
The Force Between Us
Freddy vs. Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters / A Nightmare
on Elm Street)
The Formula
Glitch in the Matrix (The Matrix)
Grayson (Batman)
Solo Switch Parody
House Wars
How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Superlaser
(Star Wars / Dr. Strangelove)
How the Sith Stole Christmas
Humphrey... Star Wars
Imperial Chopper (Star Wars / American Chopper)
Inside Report
Intermezzo Dualis: Reloaded
The Invisible Enemy
on the Dais / Wookie
Jawas Gone Wild
The Jedi Hunter
The Jedi Saga
of the Jedi
Line Wars
A Lost Hope
Luke Flips Out
Luthor for President
(Superman / Batman)
(Star Wars / Macbeth)
Matrix Jedi (The Matrix)
The Matrix Regurgitated (The Matrix)
Middle Ground
A Mile a Minute Star Wars
Wars / Duel of the Fakes
Park Wars (all)
Pink Five (all)
Planet With No Name
Porkins' Choice
Power of the Sith
Ratrix (The Matrix)
The Rendarian Backlash
Rescue on Endor
The Return (Batman fan film)
Rise of the Empire
Run Leia Run (Star Wars / Run Lola Run)
("review" of my own film)
Run Chops Run (Run Lola Run fan film)
Run Student Run (Run Lola Run fan film)
Saving Star Wars
Shay Tilnaer
Sith Apocalypse
Showdown on Coruscant
Spirits of the Force
Star Dudes (all)
Star Thumbs: Wheel of Misfortune
Star Wars Gangsta Rap (both versions)
Star Wars Remake
Stuck in a Room with Artoo
Super Console Wars
Tar Tar
Ten-Dollar Fan Film
Prequel Movie
TK-509 and Me
Trooper Clerks (live and animated)
Troops (Star Wars / Cops)
Senators Attack IV
Why Alderaan? (Star Wars / American Idol)
World's Finest
(Superman / Batman)
Words of Jedi Wisdom
Demo Reel ("review" of my own film)
Young Jedi: High School Student (not a review; links to "My Confession"