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review written 2/21/2004

I sort of liked how this crawl fades as it flew, but the fonts, wording and music editing did not impress me. This isn't school, guys, you don't need to double-space your lines.

That said, wow, hell of an opening shot. The CGI gets a little fake-looking here. For some reason I'm put in mind of a commercial for candy. But I can't fault the (virtual) cinematography. There's some gorgeous moves here. It's not particularly photo-realistic, but it looks cool, and when I need to choose between the two, that's the arrangement I prefer.

Hey, now we know what happened to Lord Rive from Duality, he's in this film! No, but seriously folks. I want to comment on the great-looking digital interior here. And of course the Dooku-esque shot of the Death Star plans.

I do wonder, though, how well I believe the idea of a computer virus in the GFFA. It just seems so, well, Earthly. I mean, I know that bad things happen out there, but a computer virus?

But, wow, holy crap, a flying Boba Fett doing cool stuff. It's great how your nitpicks can be put to ease by neat stuff. Flamethrowers, a nifty AOTC-inspired soundscape and even digital stunts.

But, really, there's no excuse for Imperial police to be wearing bicycle helmets.

There is definite potential among this crew. I genuinely enjoyed many of the shots, and that alone was enough to hold my interest throughout the show. That is significant. That means something.